患儿农××,女,六岁半,广西籍,本单位子女。1982年5月17日18时半,因该患儿患鼻炎,家长给予滴入淡的(浓度1/(2000))滴鼻净3~4滴入两侧鼻腔。约10分钟后,发现患儿面色苍白,头冒冷汗,立刻抱来本院急诊。检查:患儿神志清楚,表情淡漠,欲睡,颜面苍白,口唇四肢末梢轻度发绀,厥冷,体温35.6℃,冷汗淋漓,抽泣样呼吸30次/分,心率50次/分,偶闻期前收缩,其余各项检查均阴性。治疗:立即皮下注射阿托品0.25mg,静脉推注50%葡萄糖40ml 和维生素 C200mg。10分
Children with children × ×, female, six and a half, Guangxi nationality, the unit’s children. May 17, 1982 at 18:30, because of the children suffering from rhinitis, parents give the drip into the light (concentration 1 / (2000)) 3 to 4 drops of nasal drops on both sides. About 10 minutes later, found that children pale, sweaty head, and immediately brought to our hospital emergency room. Check: Children with clear consciousness, expression indifference, to sleep, pale face, lips mild extremities cyanotic, Jueleng, body temperature 35.6 ℃, cold sweat dripping, sobbing like breathing 30 beats / min, heart rate 50 beats / min, Before contraction, the rest of the tests were negative. Treatment: Immediate immediate subcutaneous injection of atropine 0.25mg, intravenous injection of 50% glucose 40ml and vitamin C200mg. 10 points