沙地柏又名新疆圆柏、双子柏,我省陕北群众称作臭柏。沙地柏属柏科桧柏属,学名Savina vulgaris Antoine,为常绿匍匐灌木,稀为乔木。叶交互对生,刺形叶常生于幼龄植株上,有时壮龄植株亦有少量刺形叶,排列紧密,向上斜伸,不展开,长3—7毫米;鳞形叶相互紧覆,长1—2.5毫米,先端钝或微尖,背面中部生有椭圆形腺体。球果呈不规则倒卵状球形、近圆形或卵圆形,顶端圆、平或呈叉状,长5—9毫米,有白粉,熟时暗褐紫色或紫黑色,内有种子1—5(多2—3)
Sabina cypress also known as Sabina, Twins cypress, Shaanxi Province, northern Shaanxi people called Sabina. Sabina berberis cypress is a genus, the scientific name Savina vulgaris Antoine, is an evergreen creeper shrub, rare for trees. Leaves alternate, prickly-shaped leaves often born in young plants, and sometimes young plants have a small amount of spiny-shaped leaves, arranged closely, upward oblique, not spreading, 3-7 mm long; scale-shaped leaves close to each other, long 1-2.5 mm, apex obtuse or slightly pointed, elliptic glands at middle of back. Cones irregularly obovoid-globose, suborbicular or ovoid, apex rounded, flat or forked, 5-9 mm long, white powder, dark brown or purple when cooked, with seeds 1- 5 (more than 2-3)