那些耸立在世界各个角落的建筑永远记录下了他不竭的想象力与创造力贝聿铭(Ieoh Ming Pei) (1917~),美籍华人建筑师,生于苏州,其父是中国银行创始人之一贝祖怡。10岁随父亲来到上海,18岁到美国,先后在麻省理工学院和哈佛大学学习建筑,于1955年建立建筑事务所,1990年退休。作为最后一个现代主义建筑大师,他被人描述成为一个注重于抽象形式的建筑师。他喜好的材料包括石
Those buildings standing in every corner of the world will always record his inexhaustible imagination and creativity. Ieoh Ming Pei (1917 ~), a Chinese-American architect born in Suzhou, whose father was founded by Bank of China Bezuyi one of the people. At the age of 10, I came to Shanghai with my father at the age of 18 and went to the United States at the age of 18. I studied architecture at MIT and then at Harvard University, founded an architecture firm in 1955 and retired in 1990. As the last master of modern architecture, he was described as an architect focused on abstract forms. His favorite material includes stone