Modeling Mixed Traffic Flow at Crosswalks in Micro-Simulations Using Cellular Automata

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong508
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The cellular automata (CA) micro-simulation model was used to describe the behavior of the mixed traffic flows at crosswalks where the pedestrians compete with the vehicles to cross the roadway. The focus of this paper is the behavior of pedestrians and the influence of pedestrians’ behavior on the vehicle flow, pedestrian flows, and the vehicle waiting time. The proportion of pedestrians who do not obey traffic laws, the group effect, and expected waiting time of pedestrians, regarded as the most important pedestrian characteristics, are taken into consideration in the analysis. Simulation results show the ability of the micro-simulation to capture the most important features of mixed traffic flow. The cellular automata (CA) micro-simulation model was used to describe the behavior of the mixed traffic flows at crosswalks where the pedestrians compete with the vehicles to cross the roadway. The focus of this paper is the behavior of pedestrians and the influence of pedestrians ’behavior on the vehicle flow, pedestrian flows, and the vehicle waiting time. The proportion of pedestrians who do not obey traffic laws, the group effect, and expected waiting time of pedestrians, regarded as the most important pedestrian characteristics, are taken into consideration in the analysis. Simulation results show the ability of the micro-simulation to capture the most important features of mixed traffic flow.
以1.2 mm厚的两种典型高强钢材料HC340LAD+Z和HC340/590DP为研究对象,采用剪切拉伸和T型撕裂拉伸两种点焊结构试样,测试了0.001~16.7 m/s不同拉伸速度下的动态失效载荷,分析
我国是乙型肝炎高地方性流行区 ,1986年报道乙肝表面抗原流行率为 8.83% [1] ,1995年全国肝炎调查表明HBV感染率高达 5 8.0 % ,乙肝表面抗原携带率为 9.75 % (放射免疫法 ) [2 ]
高校图书馆系统是整个公共文化服务系统的子系统之一,在建设公共文化服务体系的过程中,高校图书馆应顺应社会,积极配合,共同构建图书馆网络,为构建公共文化服务体系服务。 T
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