萝卜播种后 ,生长时间较长 ,入冬后仍可抽薹 ,萝卜内的一些养分就会在抽薹中消耗掉 ,产生网筋而空心 ,降低其食用价值。怎样使萝卜不空心呢?立冬后 ,及时将抽薹萝卜植株的薹割掉 ,但不损伤萝卜头上的肉质。萝卜在土内不扯出来就地越冬 ,可延长三个月以上不空心不老化。而且 ,
After sowing radish, the growth time is longer, after winter can still be bolted, radish some nutrients will be consumed in the bolting, resulting in hollow and reduce the edible value. How to make radish not hollow it? After the establishment of winter, the bolting radish plant sedge cut off, but without damaging the radish head meat. Radish in the soil is not pulled out on the spot over winter, can be extended for three months or more not hollow without aging. Moreover,