金东万幸福宣言:友情万岁东万应该算是神话成员里个人活动较活跃的一个,先后出演的电视剧和电影都得到了很好的反响。但作为歌手,眼看着其他成员纷纷推出个人专辑,东万也终于有些按耐不住了。转投新东家之后,新专辑立即被排上议事日程。于是,我们终于在今年夏天,顺利听到了这张名为《金东万 is》的专辑。从名字中,我们就不难看出。这是一张彻头彻尾“东万”风格的专辑。里面有东万喜欢的音乐,欣赏的作曲家,更重要的是还有东万的想要见证的友情。仅《My Love》一首歌就请来了李珉宇担任作曲,Eric 演唱 Rap 和Junjin 设计舞蹈,排场之大让人惊喜又惊艳。而与申彗星合唱的《留下来的人》让神话两大主音的合声魅力完美再现。弟弟 Andy 也用他独特的可爱为《喜欢夏天》这首歌加分不少。兄弟们的鼎立跨刀,让东万大呼:“神话永远都是在一起的。”相信听到这一句话的橙色公主们也一定会感动到落泪吧。
Jindong million declaration of happiness: long live friendship should be regarded as myth members of the more active personal activities, has starred in the TV series and movies have been very good response. However, as a singer, seeing other members have launched a solo album, East Wan also finally some could not stand up. After switching to a new owner, the new album was immediately placed on the agenda. As a result, we finally heard this summer’s album titled “Jindong Wan Is”. From the name, we can easily see. This is a downright “East million ” style album. There are tens of thousands of favorite music, admired composers, and more importantly, there is a love you want East witness. Only “My Love” a song invited Li Min Yu as composer, Eric singing Rap and Junjin design dance, great performance amazing and amazing. And with Shin Hye Sung chorus of “people who stay” so that the two major vocal chorus of mythology perfect reproduction of the charm. My brother Andy also used his unique and cute style as a bonus for “Like Summer”. Brothers and their utmost cross-knife, so East shouted: “The myth will always be together. ” I believe that the orange princess who heard this sentence will certainly be moved to tears.