这是我踏入影视圈接的第一部电影。 年初七刚到北京接到古榕导演的电话,好像有部电影要拍,在找女主演,他手里有来自四面八方的好几张我不同时期的照片。一个星期后的下午,我如约来到北京电影学院门口的彩扩店,因为素未谋面,我拨通了导演的手机,于是一个大胡子从一堆拿着照相机的忙碌人群里迎上我。噢,这就是古榕。在寒冬的夕阳下拍了几张照片,半个小时后,我知道片名叫《孔乙己》。
This is my first movie in the film and television industry. On the seventh day of the seventh year, he got a call from Gu Rong director in Beijing as if he had a movie to be shot and was looking for a female actress. He had several pictures of me in different periods from all directions. A week later, I came to Choi Fook Shop on the doorstep of Beijing Film Academy to meet me. As I never met, I dialed the director’s cell phone and a mustache met me from the crowd of busy people holding the camera. Oh, this is Gurong. In the winter sunset took a few photos, half an hour later, I know the film called “Kong Yiji.”