Basement apex (TOB) syndrome: refers to the top of the basilar artery blood circulation disorders caused by a group of clinical syndrome, due to its diverse symptoms, specificity is not prominent, and the clinical prognosis is poor, early detection and early intervention, the disease There are positive clinical implications for estimating and improving cure rates. Topographic dissection basilar tip (TOB) is the top of basilar artery 2 vessels within the scope of five vessels that 2 posterior cerebral artery, two superior cerebellar artery and basilar artery top to form a “dry ” word. The posterior cerebral artery is the terminal branch of the basilar artery, bypassing the cerebellar peduncles and traversing the notch of the cerebellum and finally darting, supplying the medial side of the occipital lobe and the underside of the temporal lobe, as well as many small branches that supply the hypothalamus Department, the inside of the brain’s foot