长期以来,由于极左路线的片面宣传,在人们头脑里似乎已形成一个固定的概念,即:台湾人民生活在水深火热之中,台湾电影自然也是低劣不堪的。 《汪洋中的一条船》是我们看到的第一部台湾影片。我是怀着好奇和探索的心情看完这部影片的。 影片高度的思想性和艺术性以及演员精湛的演
For a long time, due to the one-sided propaganda on the ultra-left line, it seems that people have formed a fixed concept that the people in Taiwan are living in dire straits and the Taiwan movies are naturally inferior. “A Boat in the Ocean” is the first Taiwanese video we saw. I watched the film with curiosity and exploration. Highly thought-provoking and artistic as well as extravagant actors