
来源 :湖南涉外经济学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jason31906
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十八大报告提出要全面建成小康社会。这个阶段总体上正处在人均GDP从4000美元向7000美元跨越的阶段,从国际经验来看,这个阶段既是工业化、城镇化加速发展时期,也是县域获得快速发展的时期。县域要获得快速发展,首先要树立具有自身特色的县域品牌。在湖南很多县形成了围绕特定产品以广泛的民间加工为基础的传统特色产业,使一个县在社会分工中形成比较优势,拥有一个知名品牌,享有市场声誉,如浏阳烟花、醴陵瓷器、邵东打火机等,然而缺乏深度和广度的初级比较优势在激烈的市场竞争中极容易丢失,或者得不到应有的效益,这一问题已经成为湖南全省乃至全国县域品牌发展的普遍性问题。而邵东县委、县政府十分重视品牌创建工作,在积极实施“兴工强县”、“兴工富民”、“兴工旺商”战略的同时,大力推进县域品牌创优工程,近几年,邵东县域品牌建设获得了长足的发展,取得了一定的经验。本文以湖南邵东为例,探讨品牌在助推县域经济竞争力提升中所起的作用。 The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed building a well-off society in an all-round way. This stage is generally in the stage of per capita GDP from 4,000 US dollars to 7,000 US dollars leap forward from the international experience, this stage is not only the industrialization and urbanization accelerated the development period, but also the rapid development of the county period. County to get rapid development, we must first establish a county brand with its own characteristics. In many counties in Hunan, a traditional specialty industry based on a wide range of non-governmental processing has been formed around a specific product so that a county has a comparative advantage in the social division of labor, a well-known brand and enjoys market reputation such as Liuyang fireworks, Liling porcelain, Shaodong lighters However, the lack of depth and breadth of the comparative advantages of the primary market in the fierce competition easily lost, or not due to the benefits of this issue has become the Hunan province and even the development of county-wide national brand issues. The Shaodong county party committee and government attach great importance to brand creation. While actively implementing the strategy of “building strong industrial counties”, “building a prosperous industrialized people” A few years, Shaodong county brand building has made considerable development, and has gained some experience. In this paper, Shaodong, Hunan as an example, to explore the role of the brand in boosting the county economic competitiveness.
特别赞成英国诗人赫巴德的说法“一个不是我们有所求的朋友,才是真正的朋友。” 写这篇稿子的时候,心情很激动,并不单单是因为这个令人心潮澎湃的选题,更多的是因为一个远方
柳海龙是英雄,宝力高是汉子。所谓英雄,必有豪气盖天下,必有战绩骄天下,必有名声震天下。所谓汉子,乃正气堂堂,英风侠义,天地之间卓然挺立。骨是硬的,气是盛的。 汉子是有资
【正】 根据人事部、湖北省职改办、武汉市职改办的有关文件精神,现对会计、经济系列不具备规定学历人员晋升专业技术职务基础知识考试的有关政策问题,作一简介,供读者参考。