Totally 203 wheat stripe rust samples from the main wheat growing areas in Gansu Province in 1995 were analyzed and 32 minor species were detected. Among them, 16 can be clearly classified, a total of 131, accounting for 64.5% of the total number of identification; infection of water 11, Hybrid46 16, a total of 72, accounting for 35.5%. It was found that the watery 11 and hybrid46 two groups increased year by year, from 50.7% in 1994 to 75.4% in 1995. Article 31 has become the main epidemic races, and other pathogenic types have a certain proportion ; While the first group of Luo 13 pathogenic groups has been reduced to 12.3%, No. 29 races has been reduced to No. 2; Elder 10 kinds of Luo basically remained stable. Monitoring results show that wheat stripe rust is in a period of active mutation in Gansu and other minor races such as No. 31 will pose a significant threat to agricultural production