经过过去几年的快速发展,国内多数工业车辆生产企业已完成投入建厂和扩大产能的工作。当前,我国具有一定生产规模的工业车辆生产企业约60家左右(不包括目前意欲进入工业车辆领域的新企业),保守估计整体产能已超过50万台(目前全球机动工业车辆年销量在90万台左右),产能远超出实际需求。据中国工程机械工业协会工业车辆分会统计,截止到201 1
After the rapid development of the past few years, most industrial vehicle manufacturers in China have completed the work of putting into operation and expanding their production capacity. At present, there are about 60 industrial vehicles manufacturing enterprises of certain production scale in our country (excluding the new enterprises that are currently intending to enter the field of industrial vehicles) and a conservative estimate of the total production capacity has exceeded 500,000 units (currently the annual global sales volume of mobile industrial vehicles is 900,000 Taiwan or so), production capacity far exceeds the actual needs. According to China Construction Machinery Industry Association statistics of industrial vehicles, as of 201 1