Prescription management is a major problem in hospital document management. The quality of its book quality not only affects the hospital’s medical quality. It is also related to the rehabilitation of patients and is of great significance for medical safety and avoiding medical accidents. Therefore, it is listed as an important item in the condition of rating hospital assessment. In the past three years, the evaluation committee for the Graded Hospital of the Health Bureau of the Yuncheng Administration Department conducted a graded hospital management review of 40 Grade I hospitals. Among the 6542 outpatient prescriptions reviewed during the review, 1145 prescriptions were defective, accounting for 17.5%. Among them, 115 were unqualified prescriptions, and the passing rate of prescriptions was 98.2%. In order to further improve prescription writing quality, avoid defects, and ensure medical safety, the causes of 1145 outpatient defect prescriptions are analyzed, and defects are avoided.