
来源 :煤炭技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigfishing
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ControlNet是一种快速发展的新型网络,其具有快速传输的特点,已逐步成为全世界推广使用的开放型网络。煤矿供电自动化系统将供电的整个过程由传统的电厂发电转向自动化,提高了企业的运作效率,降低企业的运作成本。开发了以ControlNet网络为基础的煤矿供电自动化系统。该系统运用可编程控制器,以ControlNet网络与以太网为基础,实现了煤矿供电系统的整体设计。 ControlNet is a rapidly evolving new type of network that has the characteristics of fast transmission and has gradually become an open network that is widely used all over the world. Coal mine power supply automation system will power the entire process of power generation from traditional power plants turned to automation, improve the efficiency of the operation of enterprises and reduce operating costs of enterprises. Developed a ControlNet network-based coal mine power automation system. The system uses a programmable logic controller based on ControlNet network and Ethernet to realize the overall design of coal mine power supply system.
在促进人体衰老的因素中,“自由基”三字,已成为许多人所熟知的名词。自由基到底是怎样一种物质,会对人体造成哪些损害,我们又该如何去应对?这是很多人都关心的问题。下面笔者就向大家谈谈这方面的基本常识,并介绍如何通过调整饮食,来消除自由基的危害。  自由基与衰老  在人体新陈代谢的过程中,会产生许多自由基,由于它总是处于很不稳定的状态,并在机体内四处游荡,故又称游离基。自由基是一些化学分子团或原子团,在