Product of the Schistosoma mansoni Glutathione Peroxidase Gene is a Selenium ContainingPhospholipid

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tyftongyunfeng
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In the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni a functionally active, monomeric, phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) has been purified and characterized. This enzyme contains a catalytically active selenocysteine. The protein has been shown to be the product of a cloned gene, previously referred to as a glutathione peroxidase gene. S. mansoni PHGPx has been found 5 times more abundant in female than in male worm extract. As in vertebrate PHGPx, homology alignment indicates that the residues involved in the glutathione binding by the tetrameric cellular glutathione peroxidase are mutated in the S. mansoni enzyme. Thus, this aspect appears a landmark of the PHGPx-type of glutathione peroxidases,which might be of functional relevance In the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni a functionally active, monomeric, phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) has been purified and characterized. This protein has been shown to be the product of a cloned gene, previously referred to as in glutathione peroxidase gene. S. mansoni PHGPx has been found 5 times more abundant in female than in male worm extract. As in vertebrate PHGPx, homology alignment indicates that the residues involved in the glutathione binding by the tetrameric cellular glutathione peroxidase are mutated in the S. mansoni enzyme. Thus, this aspect appears a landmark of the PHGPx-type of glutathione peroxidases, which might be of relevance relevance
《宁夏农林科技》是宁夏农林科学院和宁夏农牧厅联合主办的综台性农业科技期刊 ,主要反映宁夏及西北地区农业科研成果及生产中的新技术、新经验 ,同时普及农业科学知识、介绍
Selenocysteine, a selenium-containing analog of cysteine, is found in the prokaryotic and eukaryotic kingdoms in active sites of enzymes involved in oxidation-r
<正> 每个人都是一个星座,都各有自己的天地。在社会学中,孔德发现了秩序与进步,斯宾塞发现了社会与生物有机体的相似:韦伯发现了新教伦理与资本主义精神的关系,滕尼斯发现了公社与社会的区别,齐美尔发现了交往的形式,帕累托发现了“剩余物”和“社会精英”。那么,鼎鼎大名的迪尔凯姆呢? 我以为,作为近代社会学之父,迪尔凯姆的贡献是多方面的。迪尔凯姆一生著书颇丰,但使其名垂千史的杰出思想,在理论上,主要体现于《社会分工论》和《自杀论》里;在方法上,则蕴涵于《社会学方法论》中。这三部书,构成了迪尔凯姆社会