本研究旨在评定从直立位变为仰卧位所引起的肺容量减少是否与神经肌肉疾病引起的呼吸肌无力有关。 方法 对24例由各种原因所致的全身性神经肌肉病人(无慢性阻塞性肺病)进行肺功能测试和横膈压力测定,包括坐位和仰卧位时的静态肺容量、动态肺容量、用力通气流速和最大吸气口腔内静压(P max),每项指标重复测定3次。用肺量计测定慢
The aim of this study was to assess whether the reduction of lung volume caused by the change from orthostatic to supine position is associated with respiratory muscle weakness caused by neuromuscular diseases. Methods Twenty-four patients with generalized neuromuscular diseases (COPD-free) with various causes were tested for pulmonary function and diastolic pressure, including static lung capacity in sitting and supine positions, dynamic lung capacity, forced ventilation Flow rate and maximum inspiratory intrapulmonary pressure (P max), each measured repeatedly 3 times. Spirometry measured slowly