Velocity estimation of moving targets with stepped-frequency radar based on Doppler frequency differ

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq414363439
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By analyzing the signal model of stepped-frequency waveform,a novel method for velocity measurement is proposed.The method is based on Doppler frequency difference which is achieved by using Hough transform.As the estimated velocity is inversely proportional to the frequency step size instead of the carrier frequency of the transmitted signal as the pulse-Doppler(PD)processing,the new algorithm can achieve much wider unambiguous velocity range.Furthermore,non-coherent integration of the sub-pulses with different carrier frequencies can be implemented by Hough transform to improve the anti-noise performance.Besides,field experimental results show that the high range resolution profile(HRRP)of a bullet with high speed can be reconstructed correctly without distortion. A simple method for velocity measurement is proposed. The method is based on Doppler frequency difference which is achieved by using Hough transform. As the estimated velocity is inversely proportional to the frequency step size instead of of the carrier frequency of the transmitted signal as the pulse-Doppler (PD) processing, the new algorithm can achieve much wider unambiguous velocity range. Morerther, non-coherent integration of the sub-pulses with different carrier frequencies can be implemented by Hough transform to improve the anti-noise performance.Besides, field experimental results show that the high range resolution profile (HRRP) of a bullet with high speed can be reconstructed correctly without distortion.
摘 要:(本文原刊于《理论探讨》2013年8月刊P120-P121)环境对人的影响非常大,特别是思想道德观念正在成熟的大学生。对于大学生来说,高校思想政治环境对于他们的文化素质的培养具有十分重要的影响。特别是现今社会,我国的经济文化领域正在蓬勃发展,大学生是国家的发展后备人才,是国家进步的动力。探究高校思想政治环境对大学生文化素质的影响、如何加强高校思想政治教育变得尤为重要。探究高校思想政治环境不
摘 要:(本文原刊于《理论探讨》2013年8月刊P5-P6)解决“三农”问题,实现农业现代化,必须创新党对农村工作领导方式。当前党领导农村工作面临新环境和新挑战,创新党对农村工作领导方式必须遵循正确的原则,关键要实现党组织功能的转变,实行科学领导、民主领导和依法领导,必须转变干部工作作风,提高干部自身素质。  关键词:创新;农村工作;党的领导方式;基本思路  项目基金:学习贯彻党的十八大精神研究成