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BACKGROUND: Infliximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody directed against tumor necrosis factor α, is an established treatment for Crohn‘s disease but not ulcerative colitis. METHODS: Two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies -the Active Ulcerative Colitis Trials 1 and 2 (ACT 1 and ACT 2, respectively) -evaluated the efficacy of infliximab for induction and maintenance therapy in adults with ulcerative colitis. In each study, 364 patients with moderate-to-severe active ulcerative colitis despite treatment with concurrent medications received placebo or infliximab (5 mg or 10 mg per kilogram of body weight) intravenously at weeks 0, 2, and 6 and then every eight weeks through week 46 (in ACT 1) or week 22 (in ACT 2). Patients were followed for 54 weeks in ACT 1 and 30 weeks in ACT 2. RESULTS: In ACT 1, 69 percent of patients who received 5 mg of infliximab and 61 percent of those who received 10 mg had a clinical response at week 8, as compared with 37 percent of those who received placebo (P < 0.001 for both comparisons with placebo). A response was defined as a decrease in the Mayo score of at least 3 points and at least 30 percent, with an accompanying decrease in the subscore for rectal bleeding of at least 1 point or an absolute rectal-bleeding subscore of 0 or 1. In ACT 2, 64 percent of patients who received 5 mg of infliximab and 69 percent of those who received 10 mg had a clinical response at week 8, as compared with 29 percent of those who received placebo (P < 0.001 for both comparisons with placebo). In both studies, patients who received infliximab were more likely to have a clinical response at week 30 (P ≤0.002 for all comparisons). In ACT 1, more patients who received 5 mg or 10 mg of inflix imab had a clinical response at week 54 (45 percent and 44 percent, respectively) than did those who received placebo (20 percent, P<0.001 for both comparisons) . CONCLUSIONS: Patients with moderate-to-severe active ulcerative colitis treated with infliximab at weeks 0, 2, and 6 and every eight weeks thereafter were more likely to have a clinical response at weeks 8, 30, and 54 than were those receiving placebo. BACKGROUND: Infliximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody directed against tumor necrosis factor α, is established treatment for Crohn’s disease but not ulcerative colitis. METHODS: Two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies-the Active Ulcerative Colitis Trials 1 and 2 (ACT 1 and ACT 2, respectively) -evaluated the efficacy of infliximab for induction and maintenance therapy in adults with ulcerative colitis. In each study, 364 patients with moderate-to-severe active ulcerative colitis despite treatment with concurrent medications received placebo or infliximab (5 mg or 10 mg per kilogram of body weight) intravenously at weeks 0, 2, and 6 and then every eight weeks through week 46 (in ACT 1) or week 22 (in ACT 2). Patients were followed for 54 weeks in ACT 1 and 30 weeks in ACT 2. RESULTS: In ACT 1, 69 percent of patients who received 5 mg of infliximab and 61 percent of those who who received 10 mg had a clinical response at week 8, as compared with 37 percent of those w ho received placebo (P <0.001 for both comparisons with placebo). A response was defined as a decrease in the Mayo score of at least 3 points and at least 30 percent, with an accompanying decrease in the subscore for rectal bleeding of at least 1 point or an absolute rectal-bleeding subscore of 0 or 1. In ACT 2, 64 percent of patients who received 5 mg of infliximab and 69 percent of those who who received 10 mg had a clinical response at week 8, as compared with 29 percent of Those who received placebo (P <0.001 for both comparisons with placebo). In both studies, patients who received infliximab were more likely to have a clinical response at week 30 (P ≤ 0.002 for all comparisons). In ACT 1, more patients who received 5 mg or 10 mg of inflix imab had a clinical response at week 54 (45 percent and 44 percent respectively) than did those who who received placebo (20 percent, P <0.001 for both comparisons). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with moderate-to -severe active ulcerative colitis treated wit h infliximab at weeks 0, 2, and 6 and every eight weeks thereafter were more likely to have a clinical response at weeks 8, 30, and 54 than those receiving placebo.
在我国,企业思想政治工作是企业管理中不可或缺的重要环节,为企业生产经营活动提供了不竭的思想动力,保障了一个团队的凝聚力。在现代市场经济条件下,市场化传媒企业必须坚持党性原则,然后在此基础上才能追求经济效益。因此,传媒企业思想政治工作,必须在党组织的领导下,努力实现宏观指导与微观经济活动融合。这就要求传媒企业思想政治工作应围绕工作重点,结合企业实际,有的放矢地开展,为社会与企业的发展服务。  一、传
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摘要:目前不少多校区高校的学生管理工作存在着学生管理体制不健全、学校教育资源难以共享、整体校园文化建设薄弱以及师生间交流不足等方面的问题。以新疆高校为例,指出要想做好多校区学生管理工作,应建立完善的多校区学生管理制度、建设现代化的数字化校园、建立有力的学生管理工作团队及和谐的校园文化环境等。  关键词:新疆;高校;多校区;管理  作者简介:王伟国(1979-),男,新疆哈密人,新疆师范大学学生工作
简介:  “富阳好人”是富阳区多年来培育和挖掘的道德模范和平民英雄群体,他们平凡而又不平凡的事迹给社会注入许多正能量,让好人精神进入千家万户。这个群体先后涌现出全国道德模范吴菊萍,“浙江骄傲”黄小荣,杭州市道德模范汪霖,“最美司机”葛邦友等一大批先进典型,其中1996年出生的何俊斌更是成为其中的代表性人物。在飞驰过来的大客车面前,19岁的他一把将同学推开,自己却因伤势过于严重没能抢救回来。何俊斌用