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小学综合实践活动是一门充满生活情趣的课程,它让学生在做中学、玩中悟。要学好这门课程,就要在老师的指导和帮助下,动脑去想,动手去做,用心去体会感悟。通过小学综合实践课教师要精心备课、充分准备;创设活动情境,激发学习兴趣;把学校、家庭、社会有机地联系起来;创建合作化的综合实践活动小组;进行及时的评价和激励,让小学综合实践活动教学更有效。 Comprehensive primary school activities is a life full of fun courses, it allows students to do secondary school, play Wu Wu. To learn this course, it is necessary in the guidance and help of the teacher, brains to think, do it, intentions to understand the sentiment. Through the comprehensive primary school teachers should be fully prepared lessons, fully prepared; create the context of the activities to stimulate interest in learning; the school, family and society organically linked to create a collaborative group of comprehensive practical activities; conduct timely evaluation and incentives for primary schools Integrated practice teaching more effective.