经验一立足解决农村党员理论 学习中存在的实际困难,在创造学习 条件上下功夫,增强了学习效果 针对我市党员年龄偏大,文盲半 文盲党员多的实际,理论学习存在 “读不懂”、“记不住”、“学不好”、“跟 不上”的问题。为了确保“三个代表” 重要思想学习教育取得实效,我们坚 持因地因人制宜,分层施教,分类要 求,把理论知识变成农民党员听得 懂、记得住、用得上的语言。在组织 党员普遍学习《保持共产党员先进性 教育读本(试用本)》的基础上,结合 西部地区农村实际,我们编印了《农 民党员学习教育300问》等乡土教材, 编写农民群众喜闻乐见、通俗易懂的 农村党员先进性“三字歌”、“千字
Experience a foothold to solve the rural party members theoretical study of the practical difficulties exist in the creation of learning conditions make efforts to enhance the learning effect for the city party members older, illiterate and semi-members of the actual number of illiterate, theoretical study there is , ”Can not remember “, ”learn bad “, ”can not keep up“ problem. In order to ensure effective learning and education in the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ we adhere to the principle of adapting to local conditions and based on local conditions and requirements for classification. We should turn theoretical knowledge into a farmer member who understands, remembers, and uses language. On the basis of organizing the Party members to study in general the ”Reader’s Guide to Keeping the Progressiveness of Communists (Trial Version)“ and combining with the reality of the rural areas in the western region, we compiled and printed native teaching materials such as ”Studies on the Peasants’ Party Members in the Study of 300 Questions,“ and wrote the peasant masses loved and popularized. Easy to understand the advanced nature of rural party members ”three words “, ”a thousand words