车××男29岁右眼红痛、流泪3天,门诊以右角膜裂伤、晶体脱位收入院,住院号190353。患者七岁时,燃放鞭炮炸伤右眼。在当地医院行角膜穿通伤缝合。22年来患者无任何症状,右眼视力无光感,左眼1.0。右眼混合性充血(++),角膜无光泽,呈不均匀灰白色混浊,中央部有约7mm 水平全层裂伤,伤口内嵌顿一透明物,呈扁平弧形边缘,内眼无法窥及。左眼无异常。入院后,急诊行右眼晶体摘出、角膜裂伤缝合术,术中发现伤口内嵌顿物为玻璃片,大小约8×6×2mm,呈不规则形,其边钝圆,类似晶体赤道部。取出玻璃异物后,缝合角膜伤口。经追问病史,患者7岁时把鞭炮放入玻璃瓶内燃放,炸伤右
Car × × 29-year-old right eye red pain, tearing for 3 days, the clinic to the right corneal laceration, dislocation income hospital, hospital 190353. When the patient was seven years old, he fired his firecrackers and injured his right eye. Corneal penetrating wounds were sutured at a local hospital. The patient had no symptoms for 22 years, had no light perception in her right eye, and left eye 1.0. Right conjunctival hyperemia (++), corneal matte, uneven gray turbidity, the central part of the full thickness of about 7mm laceration, the wound incarcerated a transparent object, was flat curved edge, the eye can not peep and . Left eye no abnormalities. After admission, the emergency department of the right eye crystal extraction, corneal laceration sutured, intraoperative findings found glass embedded objects, the size of about 8 × 6 × 2mm, irregular shape, the edge of a blunt circle, similar to the crystal equator . After removing the glass foreign body, suture the corneal wound. After the medical history, the patient put the firecrackers into the glass bottle at the age of 7 and set fire to the right