Upper urinary tract dilatation during pregnancy is well known. The left is significant on the right. The incidence was 43-50%. Because of the high incidence, urinary tract dilatation is considered a physiological condition. This physiological condition is in fact a variable degree of upper urinary tract obstruction. Urinary tract dynamics in pregnant women further evidence of mechanical obstruction. Rubi and Sala observed an increase in ureteral tension at the 15,20,25 cm junction of the ureter and at the 10 cm distance from the ureteral orifice 5 and would change. If the patient when the lateral tension is reduced. Chesley and Sloam recorded the third trimester sodium and chloride urinary excretion and found supine less than when lying. Ulmsten study of pregnant women with ureteral peristalsis in 5 anti-peristalsis in 5 people, the other one without peristalsis records. In twice