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社会主义市场经济对我们的道德建设有何影响?我们又如何从我国社会生活和人民现有的思想状况出发,去进行社会主义市场经济条件下的道德建设?下面我就围绕这两个问题,谈一谈自己的想法.谈及社会主义市场经济,人们的脑海里便浮现出原始的商品经济那种野蛮和血腥剥削,也自然联想到资本主义商品经济那种唯利是图、尔虞我诈.然而,社会主义市场经济既不允许原始资本的商品经济中丑恶现象的重演,又摒弃现代资本主义市场经济中所有腐败消极的东西,社会主义市场经济是高度文明的商品经济.它要使市场在社会主义国家宏观调控下对资源配置起基础作用.使经济活动遵循价值规律的要求,适应供求关系的变化;通过价格杠杆和竞争机制的功能,把资源配置到较好的环节中去,并给企业以压力和动力,实现优胜劣汰;运用市场经济信息比较灵敏的特点,促进生产和需要的及时协调. How does the socialist market economy affect our moral construction? How can we proceed with the social conditions in our country and people’s existing ideological conditions to carry out moral construction under the socialist market economy? Now I will focus on these two issues, Talking about our own thoughts When we talk about the socialist market economy, the barbaric and bloody explorations of the primitive commodity economy are beginning to emerge in our minds, and we naturally think of the mercenary and intrigues of the capitalist commodity economy. However, socialism The market economy neither allows a repeat of the ugly phenomenon in the commodity economy of the original capital nor rejects all the corrupt and negative things in the modern capitalist market economy and the socialist market economy is a highly civilized commodity economy and it is necessary to make the market macroscopic in the socialist countries Under the control of the allocation of resources to play a fundamental role in the economic activity to follow the law of value to meet the changes in supply and demand; through the function of price leverage and competition mechanisms, the allocation of resources to a better link to go and give businesses pressure and Motivation to achieve the survival of the fittest; the use of market economy more sensitive information to promote students And the need for timely coordination.
女儿李宝很小的时候就知道要吃爷爷做的滑滑的肉,后来连楼上小邹家的闺女也跟着嚷嚷要吃爷爷做的滑滑的肉。滑滑的肉,叫滑肉,是李宝爷爷老家颍上的一道家常菜,因 When her d
伦敦《金融时报》最近公布的全球 50 0家大企业 2 0 0 1年排名榜显示 ,通用电气取代微软成为榜首 ,中国联通首次入榜 ,位列 2 80位 ;另外中国移动的排名也有上升 ,由去年 51
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