People,Planning and Adaptability

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tvxq905
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This article is based on a survey of the New Residential Area in Tangshan.The purposes of the survey were tounderstand the characteristics of the residents’ activities,probe into the state of adaptability between people andplanning where conflict lies,and search for the ways to improve planning in residential area. This article is based on a survey of the New Residential Area in Tangshan. The purposes of the survey were tounderstand the characteristics of the residents’ activities, probe into the state of adaptability between people and planning where conflict lies, and search for the ways to improve Planning in residential area.
一位老师说,她曾任教过的某中学聘来了一位了不起的老师。该老师初来乍到,学校即对她委以了“重任”——让她担任了学校初中部几十名“双差生”的班主任。结果,只用了一年半时间,这个班居然能与全年级最优秀的班集比美。当众位同事问起她成功的奥秘时,该老师只说了一句很平常而又富有哲理的话:“我是把班上的每个学生当成自己的孩子来看待的。”  不难看出,那位班主任无不时时刻刻在用一颗博大的爱心去温暖、滋润每一个学生