中国文化中一直有田园情结,或许这源于人们对隐逸生活的向往。田园梦想与建筑设计的碰撞,便有了许多经典的作品:或是运用现代设计理念建造的田园建筑、重新设计的农村,又或是把田园风格引入现代建筑中,在钢铁丛林的城市里使人有置身田园的错觉。它们都体现了设计者对自然亲近的欲望,和基因里对土地的热忱。在越南东南部的同奈省,Vo Trong Nghia建筑事务所设计了一个绿色屋顶农业幼儿园,其目的是在学龄前儿童的教育中强调环境保护的重要性,幼儿园的绿色屋顶还能使孩子更亲近自然。
Chinese culture has always had pastoral complex, perhaps from the longing for seclusion. In the collision of garden dreams with architectural design, there are many classic pieces: either pastoral buildings constructed with modern design concepts, redesigned rural areas, or the introduction of pastoral style into modern architecture, in the steel-jungle city People have the illusion of exposure to pastoral. They all embody the designer’s desire for natural intimacy and the generous generosity of the land. In Dong Nai Province, in southeastern Vietnam, Vo Trong Nghia Architects designed a green roof agricultural kindergarten to emphasize the importance of environmental protection in the education of preschoolers and the green roof of kindergartens to bring them closer natural.