各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 近年来,我省在加强民用爆炸物品管理方面做了大量工作,取得了一定成绩,为促进全省经济发展,保障社会治安稳定作出了积极的贡献。但是,随着基本建设力度的加大,各类民爆器材的使用量明显增多,一些地方和单位放松了管理,致使民爆物品管理方面存在的问题日趋突出。主要表现在:非法制售炸药的行为屡禁不止,个别企业未经批准擅自生产、销售民爆器材,少数流通经营单位乱购乱销,一些使用单位尤其是农村小煤窑、小矿山、小采石场(以下简称“三小”企业)管理混乱,对民爆器材不坚持清退制度而乱存乱放,导致非法转卖、丢失被盗的情况日趋严重,造成民爆器材非法流散社会,爆炸案件、爆炸事故不断发生,给国家和人民群众的生命财产及社会治安秩序造成严重危害。
All autonomous prefectures and municipal people’s governments, administrative offices in all regions, people’s governments of all counties (autonomous counties, cities, municipal districts and special economic zones) and departments and agencies directly under the provincial government: In recent years, our province has done a lot of work in strengthening the management of civilian explosives items Work has made some achievements, made a positive contribution to promoting the province’s economic development and safeguarding social order and stability. However, with the intensification of capital construction, the use of various types of civil explosive materials has increased markedly, and some places and units have relaxed their management. As a result, the problems in the management of civil explosives have become increasingly prominent. The main manifestations are as follows: Illegal manufacture and sale of explosives has been repeatedly banned. Some enterprises, without authorization, arbitrarily manufacture and sell civilian explosives and a small number of wholesale and retail business units, while some use units, especially rural small coal mines, small mines and small quarries (Hereinafter referred to as the “three small” enterprises) management chaos, civil explosive equipment does not adhere to the system of clearance and chaos, leading to illegal resale, loss of stolen the increasingly serious situation, resulting in civil explosive devices illegally dispersed society, explosion Cases and explosions continue to occur, which seriously jeopardize the life and property of the country and people as well as the public order.