[目的]对比3种桉树无性系组培快繁生长情况。[方法]对3个桉树不同无性系在相同的培养条件下进行组培快繁,从继代生长周期、生根炼苗生长周期、苗圃育苗周期3个方面进行生长对比试验。[结果]无性系雷11长势显著快于另外2个品系,其中组培继代生长周期较桉树广林9、DH32-29继代成熟周期短5 d,生根炼苗生长成熟周期短5 d,苗圃育苗出圃成熟周期短12~15 d。[结论]该研究为桉树组培快繁提供科学的参考依据。
[Objective] To compare the fast growth and development of tissue culture of three kinds of Eucalyptus clones. [Method] Three clones of Eucalyptus clones were cultivated under the same culture conditions. The growth and development of three clones of Eucalyptus from three aspects: the growth cycle of secondary generation, the growth cycle of rooting and nursery, were compared. [Result] The development of clone 11 was significantly faster than that of the other two lines. The growth cycle of tissue culture subculture was shorter than that of eucalyptus Guanglin 9 and DH32-29 for 5 days, the maturation period of rooting and maturation was short 5 days, Nursery Nursery Nursery mature period is short 12 ~ 15 d. [Conclusion] This research provided scientific reference for tissue culture and propagation of Eucalyptus.