目的 :探讨驻京部队住院肺结核病人的变化特点 ,为军队结核病控制工作提供科学依据。方法 :对 1972~ 1997年驻京部队住院肺结核病人进行抽样调查。每 5年抽查 1年 ,共抽查6年。结果 :调查军队驻院肺结核病人 12 2 4例 ,男性病人占 87.8%~ 91.0 % ,干部占 30 .2 %~39.4 % ,战士占 51.6%~ 59.2 % ,职工占 4 .2 %~ 13.3%。发病年龄最小 16岁 ,最大 88岁 ,平均发病年龄 2 7.0~ 30 .9岁 ,≥ 60岁组 1997年比 1972年增加 680 .0 % ,年均递增 7.9%。住院肺结核病人平均住院天数由 1972年 196.8d下降为 1997年 64.9d。肺结核分型 ,原发型肺结核下降79.2 % ,血行播散型肺结核无明显变化 ,浸润型肺结核增加 5.0 % ,慢性纤维空洞型肺结核下降75.0 %结核性胸膜炎上升 39.3%。病灶范围在 5/ 6、6/ 6的分别下降 71.8%、50 .0 %。空洞发生率下降 55.3% ,痰菌阳性率下降 52 .9%。实施短程化疗比标准化疗疗程缩短 2 / 3,治愈率由 85%提高到 98% ,远期复发率由 7.5%下降至 1.5%。结论 :调查证明了驻京部队制定的现代结核病控制技术与措施成效显著
Objective: To explore the characteristics of hospitalized TB patients in Beijing and provide a scientific basis for TB control in the armed forces. Methods: A sample survey of hospitalized tuberculosis patients in Beijing from 1972 to 1997 was conducted. A random sample every 5 years for a total of 6 years. Results: A total of 124 cases of military pulmonary tuberculosis were investigated in the hospital. Male patients accounted for 87.8% -91.0%, cadres accounted for 30.2% -39.4%, soldiers accounted for 51.6% -59.2%, workers accounted for 4.2% -13.3%. The minimum age of onset was 16 years old and the maximum was 88 years. The average age of onset was 7.07-30.9 years old and ≥ 60 years old group increased 680.0% compared with 1972 in 1997 with an average annual increase of 7.9%. The average length of stay of hospitalized tuberculosis patients decreased from 196.8 days in 1972 to 64.9 days in 1997. Tuberculosis typing, primary pulmonary tuberculosis decreased 79.2%, hematogenous disseminated tuberculosis no significant change in invasive tuberculosis increased 5.0%, chronic fibrous hollow tuberculosis decreased 75.0%, tuberculous pleurisy increased 39.3%. The range of lesions decreased by 71.8% and 50.0% respectively in 5/6 and 6/6. Void incidence decreased 55.3%, sputum positive rate decreased 52.9%. Compared with the standard chemotherapy, short-course chemotherapy shortened 2/3, the cure rate increased from 85% to 98%, long-term recurrence rate decreased from 7.5% to 1.5%. Conclusion: The survey proved that the modern TB control technologies and measures formulated by the Beijing military forces have achieved remarkable results