前不久,笔者随中央电视台代表团前往祖国宝岛台湾进行了为期 9天的考察访问。这次访问的主要任务是:考察调研岛内电视媒体的格局现状;了解 CCTV- 4在台湾落地入户的情况并征询岛内人士对这套节目的意见和建议;探讨与岛内电视媒体合作的途径,借助岛内媒体的力量扩大 CCTV?
Not long ago, I traveled with the delegation of CCTV to Taiwan on the so-called motherland for a 9-day inspection visit. The main tasks of this visit are to examine the status quo of the investigation of the television media in the island, to learn more about the CCTV-4 landing in Taiwan and to consult the people in the island about the program and to explore ways to cooperate with the television media in the island Way to expand CCTV with the power of the media in the island?