陕甘宁那一望无垠的黄土高原,在沉垂了千百万年以后,终于被石油工作者揭开了地下的秘密,找到了一个巨大的天然气田! 两千年前的《汉书·地理志》中就记载了陕北延长清涧河上的油苗;早在千年前的宋朝,陕北就有油井开采,比美国人的第一口油井早约900年。沈括《梦溪笔谈》中关于石油的记载,陆游诗文中关于延安石烛的记述,早已为世人所知。陕甘宁北部是我国发现、利用、记载石油和天然气最早的地区。正是这些。引起了中外人士的关注。1903年德国驻天津领事馆官员
An endless stretch of the loess plateau in the Gansu-Ningxia region has finally been uncovered by oil workers for millions of years and has finally opened the underground secret and found a huge natural gas field. Two thousand years ago, the “Han Geography ”In the records of the Northern Shaanxi Qingjiang River to extend the oil seedlings; as early as the Song Dynasty, Northern Shaanxi had oil wells, more than the first American oil wells about 900 years earlier. Shen Kuo “Meng Xi Bi Tan” on the oil records, Lu You poetry on Yan’an stone candle, has long been known to the world. The northern part of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia is the earliest area of China that discovered, utilized and documented oil and natural gas. It is these. Aroused the concern of Chinese and foreign people. 1903 German Consulate in Tianjin