体外膜肺氧合支持(extracorporeal membrane ox-ygenation,ECMO)作为一有效的治疗手段于1974年首次应用于新生儿。至今,已有3万多儿童因为呼吸系统、心脏系统及其它原因而被给予ECMO支持治疗[1]。ECMO支持治疗几乎完全代替了肺的做功和将近80%的心脏做功,而且体温的调节也是通
Extracorporeal membrane ox-ygenation (ECMO) was first applied to newborns in 1974 as an effective treatment. So far, more than 30,000 children have been given ECMO support because of respiratory, cardiac and other causes [1]. ECMO support almost completely replace the lungs to do the work and nearly 80% of the heart doing work, and body temperature regulation is through