您打听俞汝勤教授吗?我是他的学生,让我跟您说说他的事吧! 俞教授生于1935年。他是我们党和国家自己培养起来的专家。五十年代他中学毕业后被选送到前苏联列宁格勒大学深造。临行前刘少奇同志的亲切教诲“你们是同龄人中的幸运者,但一定要记住所得者多,所求之于他者亦多的古训”使他终生难忘,时常向我们提起。他正是怀着对祖国和人民强烈的责任感,在苏联勤奋学习,各科成绩名列前茅。
You asked Professor Yu Ruqin? I am his student, let me tell you about him! Professor Yu was born in 1935. He is an expert trained by our party and our own country. After graduating from high school in the 1950s, he was sent to Leningrad University in the former Soviet Union for further studies. Prior to his departure, Comrade Liu Shaoqi kindly taught: “You are the lucky ones in your own age group, but you must remember that there are many people who earn the most and others who seek the same old ways of training”. It is exactly with the strong sense of responsibility to the motherland and the people that he diligently studied in the Soviet Union and made every academic achievement among the best.