Automated image processing algorithm for Young's fringe pattern analysis

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vuittonwang
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An automatic of image processing for the analysis of Young’s fringe pattern is proposed. A Young’s fringe patttern is first FFT treated to get two patterns of 0 degree and 90 degree phase shifted. Regular two pattern shift algorithm is used to calculate the phase of the Young’s pattern. One or two times of phase shift iteration are carried out to improve the phase. Then the phase is least square fitted to get a phase plane. The displacement magnitude and direction are eaasily induced from the phase plane. Because every step is full field treatment, very precise result is achieved. The algorithm is simple and easy to implement. Theory and experiment are presented to prove the proposal. A program is designed to execute the algorithm and the processing is automated by a Personal Computer with an image board. An automatic of image processing for the analysis of Young’s fringe pattern is proposed. A Young’s fringe patttern is first FFT treated to get two patterns of 0 degree and 90 degree phase shifted. Regular two pattern shift algorithm is used to calculate the phase of the Young’s pattern. One or two times of phase shift iteration are carried out to improve the phase. Then the phase is least square fitted to get a phase plane. The displacement magnitude and direction are eaasily induced from the phase plane. Because every step is full field Theory and experiment are presented to prove the proposal. Theory and experiment are presented to prove the proposal. A program is designed to execute the algorithm and the processing is automated by a Personal Computer with an image board.
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