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智慧图书馆是图书馆学研究的新热点,是图书馆发展的较高阶段。不过,台北市立图书馆智慧图书馆统计数据显示,十年来智慧图书馆使用率有明显的下降,仅2015年有缓慢的上升。台北市立图书馆的经验告诉我们,智慧图书馆实体建设也面临着与传统图书馆一样的发展瓶颈,智慧图书馆要发展,需要考虑空间环境、设置地点、开放时间、资讯设备、纸质资源、服务质量等因素,合理布局与统筹规划,调整资源布局,提升操作系统的稳定性,营造舒适易用的阅览空间,重视资源设备的安全便捷性,以深入浅出的理论指导实践,深入开展智慧服务,满足不同读者群的通识需求及个性化需求。 Wisdom library is a new hot spot in library science research and a higher stage of library development. However, the statistical data of the Taipei City Library of Wisdom Library shows that the utilization rate of the Wisdom Library has dropped significantly over the past decade, with only a slight increase in 2015 alone. The experience of Taipei Municipal Library tells us that the physical library construction of wisdom library faces the same development bottleneck as that of traditional libraries. The development of smart libraries requires consideration of space environment, location, opening hours, information equipment, paper resources, Service quality and other factors, rational distribution and overall planning, resource layout adjustment, to enhance the stability of the operating system to create a comfortable and easy to use reading space, pay attention to the safety and convenience of resources and equipment to explain the profound theories in simple terms to guide practice and carry out in-depth wisdom services, To meet the needs of different readers of the general needs and individual needs.
<正>前庭性偏头痛(vestibular migraine,VM)是临床上反复发作性眩晕的常见病因,越来越受到广大临床医生的关注。国际头痛学会(International Head-ache Society)2013年出版的