五六十年代在美国文坛上鼎沸喧嚣风云一时的所谓“跨掉的一代”(The Beat Generation)。其中几位主角是可称为“三剑客”的艾伦·金斯堡(1926-1997)、杰克·克鲁亚克(1922-1969)和威廉·巴勒斯(1914-1997)。金斯堡操持诗歌,克鲁亚克与巴勒斯务弄小说。三人中,巴勒斯因年长富于人生经见,在思想上对两位小兄弟曾发生过更多影响,文学上也更早有自觉的探索意识。与此相关,他的小说,如代表作《赤裸的午餐》(1959),在内容的叛逆性尤其是形式的实验性上,比克鲁亚克等走得更远,更显极端,他也因此成为实验主义小说的代表之一。《赤裸
The so-called “The Beat Generation,” a hubbub in the American literary arena in the 1950s and 60s. Some of the protagonists are Alan Ginsburg (1926-1997), Jack Cruykh (1922-1969) and William Burroughs (1914-1997), which can be called “Three Musketeers.” Kingsburg runs poetry, Cruliac and Burroughs work on novels. Among the three, Palestine saw more influences on his two elder brothers in his thinking because of his rich life, and he also had a conscious awareness of exploration earlier. Related to this, his novels, such as his masterpiece The Naked Lunch (1959), went further and more extreme than Cruliac in the rebelliousness of content, especially in form, Become one of the representatives of experimentalist fiction. "Naked