据统计,美国每年有超过40万新生儿在出生建立呼吸时需要辅助支持,而大约1%的活产新生儿需要进一步复苏[1]。尽管成人心肺复苏(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)时广泛使用药物,但新生儿复苏却很少需要用药。肾上腺素作为100多年前第一个被用于心跳骤停时恢复自主循环的药物,已经广泛用于成人、儿童以及新生儿复苏。
According to statistics, more than 400,000 newborns in the United States need supplemental support at birth to establish respiration each year, while about 1% of live births need further recovery [1]. Despite the widespread use of drugs in adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), there is little need for medication for newborn resuscitation. Adrenaline, the first drug to be used to recover spontaneous circulation during a cardiac arrest more than 100 years ago, has been widely used in adults, children and neonates for recovery.