依据网络本身的特点和教育本身的规律,网络教育与英语课程整合的教学模式的选择可以通过以下几个环节来实现:一、利用网络资源,激发学生学习兴趣教育心理学研究指出,兴趣出自好奇,我们可以利用计算机多媒体技术,通过联系生产,生活实际,选择贴近生活,具有时代特点的事例。图文并茂,形象生动地创设优美的情境,做到有物有意,使学生置身其中,以激发他们学习英语知识的浓厚兴趣,引发学生的思考。例如,在教学初中英语人教版一年级下册Unit 9 It’s raining时,我制作了大量有关天气和季节方面的图片。首先链接了一个
According to the characteristics of the network itself and the laws of education itself, the choice of the teaching mode of integrating online education and English curriculum can be achieved through the following links: 1. Using online resources to stimulate students’ interest in learning Educational Psychology Studies pointed out that the interest from curiosity , We can use computer multimedia technology, through contact with production, living reality, choose close to life, with the characteristics of the times. With illustrations and vivid images, you can create a beautiful scene, make you interested in everything, bring students into one, and stimulate their interest in learning English so as to arouse students’ thinking. For example, at Unit 9 It’s raining, a first-year English PEP teaching lesson, I made a number of pictures about the weather and the seasons. First linked to one