如果您有心理方面的困惑,可以发电子邮件到laoyou_xby@163.com中。我们将针对您提出的问题,请专门的心理医生来为您解答。——本刊编辑部编辑同志:您好!我是一名文学爱好者,年轻时就喜欢写作。后来参加工作虽然跟文字不怎么沾边,但一有空闲,我就读书写作。几十年来,也发表过一些豆腐块类文章。现在退休了,有充足的时间精力了,我想把这个爱好继续下去。但前不久,一个刊物的编辑在给我退稿时,婉转点明我写的东西跟不上时代潮流,没抓住眼下人们喜欢和关注的热点,而且语言老套……虽然我已经6 5岁,接受新事物的能力在减弱,
If you have psychological confusion, you can send an email to laoyou_xby@163.com. We will address your questions, ask a dedicated psychiatrist to answer your questions. - Editorial editor comrade: Hello! I am a literary enthusiast, like writing when young. Later, although the work to join the text is not very detached, but I have free, I study writing. For decades, also published some tofu block articles. Now retired, have sufficient time and energy, and I want to continue this hobby. However, not long ago, when an editor of a publication gave me a rejection letter, he gently pointed out that what I wrote could not keep up with the trend of the times, did not catch the hot spots people like and care about now, and the language is old-fashioned. Old, the ability to accept new things is weakening,