我国高等职业教育在高等教育大众化时代既面临新的发展机遇,也面临严峻挑战,关键在于办出特色、提高教育教学质量而“适销对 路”。 因此,必须唱响高职教育“特色”主旋律,迎接21世纪高等教育大众化和知识经济时代的挑战。
The higher vocational education in our country faces both new development opportunities and severe challenges in the popularization era of higher education. The key lies in that it is “marketable” based on characteristics and education and teaching quality improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to sing the main theme of “featured” in higher vocational education and meet the challenge of popularization of higher education and knowledge-based economy in the 21st century.