首长重视 支持财务动真的

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成都军区35401部队,在贯彻落实全军统一的各项财务规章制度中,部队军政首长十分重视,支持财务部门在监督检查中动真的来硬的,保证了财务工作的顺利进行,成绩显著,受到上级业务部门的肯定和表扬。一是军政首长亲自过问。总后勤部《军队财务管理十项规定》颁发后,该部队军政首长极为重视,在认真听取财务部门的汇报后,指示将贯彻落实《财务管理十项规定》纳入年度财务工作训练内容,要求各业务部门密切配合。机关有关部门主动到财务部门“找”《财务管理十项规定》学习,并组织本部门人员学习讨论。在学习《财务管理十项规定》培训班上,部队主要首长亲自辅导讲解,谈自己学习体会;其他首 35401 units of the Chengdu Military Region, in carrying out the various financial rules and regulations unified by the whole army, the military and government leaders of the armed forces attach great importance to supporting the financial department in moving the inspection and supervision to really move hard and ensure the smooth progress of the financial work with remarkable achievements. By the superior business unit recognition and recognition. First, the military chief personally asked. After the General Logistics Department issued the “Tenth Ten Provisions on the Financial Management of the Army,” the military and government chiefs attached great importance. After earnestly listening to the reports from the financial department, they were instructed to incorporate the “Ten Regulations on Financial Management” into the annual financial work training and require each Business units work closely together. Relevant departments of the department take the initiative to the finance department to “find” ten “financial management regulations” to learn, and organize the study and discussion of personnel in the department. In the course of studying the “Ten Rules of Financial Management”, the chief leaders of the armed forces personally give lectures and talk about their own learning experiences; other leaders
这是一首悼念明末民族英雄、著名抗清领袖张煌言的诗。张煌言,字玄著,号苍水,鄞县(今浙江省宁波市)人。生于明光宗泰昌元年(1620), This is a poem commemorating the Ming
张耒不仅是北宋末期卓有成就的诗人,而且是具有自己独特艺术风格的散文大家。他的散文无论是思想内容,还是艺术特色,都给当时和后代以极大影响。《宋史·文苑传》 Zhang Ji
为了便于民兵应急分队执行任务和活动,广西桂平县金田、木乐、白沙、寻旺乡镇党委政府拨出10000多元专款给320多名民兵应急 In order to facilitate the implementation of