7月,青海高原滔滔九曲黄河流经尖扎县附近的岸边,低沉的号乐骤响,悲痛的人群聚集。藏族阿妈阿爸,把一袋袋的青棵捆绑在一具白布包裹的遗体上,深情地望着他落入波涛翻卷的大河之中,沉沉浮浮地远去了……这是解放村的群众在为藏族民兵指导员扎西才让举行水葬的一幕。 1945年的秋天,刚满8岁的扎西才让被阿爸送入尖扎县德欠寺当了“阿卡”(即和尚)。扎西才让暮宿晨起,祈祷神灵保佑平生,降福于广大藏胞幸福吉祥。然而,这
July, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Surging Nine Yellow River flows through the shore near Jianzha County, the low bellow, grieving crowd gathered. Tibetan aunt Abba, a bag of green tree bundled in a white cloth wrapped in the body, looking at him affectionately into the waves rolling into the river, drifting away ... ... This is the liberation of the village Of the masses are holding a scene of water-burial for Tashi, a Tibetan militia instructor. In the fall of 1945, Tashi, who was just 8 years old, was allowed to be “Akka” (ie, a monk) by his father into the Gytemu Monastery in Gyza County. Tashi let twilight overnight, pray gods bless your life, bless the majority of Tibetans happiness and good fortune. However, this