Legal English Vocabulary and Its Translation

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  【Abstract】There are differences between legal English and general English. Legal English relates to the legal profession. Law needs to maintain the impression of seriousness, standardization, accuracy and objectiveness, and as a result, legal English also has these characteristics. Compared to general everyday English, the application of legal English vocabulary requires consideration of these characteristics. In the translation of legal content, attention is also needed to be paid to the characteristics of forensic linguistics. Standardized legal terms are used in the translation of legal regulations and other content to keep the characteristics of faithfulness, accuracy, smoothness and consistency. In this paper, legal English vocabulary is discussed based on its characteristics, as well as the method of translation of legal content. For practical translation of legal English, translation methods include literal translation, free translation and addition and omission. These methods are briefly discussed in this paper.
  【Key words】legal English; legal terms; general English; vocabulary characteristics; translation
  With the trend of economic globalization, China’s connections with other countries become increasingly close. Various policies are made effective worldwide, and law is no exception. With the trend of globalization, countries need to respect legal regulations of each other and translation of our legal content into the English is a necessity. Legal English has its own unique vocabulary and its unique meanings. Law is a science with strong preciseness. Unlike literature, no trace of emotion is allowed in law. To translate law into English, its scientific characteristics must be considered. Legal English vocabulary characteristics need attention. Set phrases Legal terms, Jargon,Archaic words, borrowed words, synonyms / near-synonyms vocabulary are also in need of subtle handling. To express Legal terms, vocabulary, sentence or text in English, translators need to pay attention to English writing. The qualification requirements are high for translators as they need to have knowledge of jurisprudence, English linguistics and translation. So legal translation is not an easy thing, translators firstly need to understand specialized legal vocabulary to be translated, and secondly need to carefully handle certain legal terms in the process of translation. In this paper, legal English vocabulary is discussed based on its characteristics, as well as the method of translation of legal content.   1. Legal English Lexical Characteristics
  Legal English refers to an English language that has the professional legal characteristics and is used for the expression of legal concepts, litigation or non-litigation legal, legislative, judicial and law-related activities. There are differences between legal English and general English. Legal English involves the subjects of law as well as linguistics, and has its own unique characteristics.
  1.1 Unique terminology
  Legal language has professional and scientific characteristics, in legal discipline, there are a lot of terms. The term primarily refers to an expression of a proprietary language, which expresses a particular irreplaceable professional concept. Words used in legal discourse are mainly two kinds: legal terms and general vocabulary common to the whole people. The aforementioned law is a very serious discipline. Some distinct legal language contains some specific vocabularies. They are a number of specialized terminology and vocabulary, while different terminology and vocabulary has its specific range, and cannot be replaced and further interpreted according to general English grammar. Such as the plaintiff, defendant, bigamy, demurrer, affray, felony, tort. Meanwhile, there are also expressions such as guarantor pending trial, live at home under surveillance, arrest, detention, other terms, which have their professional meanings that are rarely to see in the general English.
  1.2 Ordinary vocabulary of specific professional meanings
  There are some simple English words in legal English known to everyone, but having different meanings from those in everyday English. This is another difference between legal and general English. Legal English contains a lot of common words with specific professional meanings, which characterizes legal English. For example, the word ‘action’ referring to behavior in everyday English in general, specifically refers to ‘action’ in legal proceedings. The lack of knowledge of ordinary vocabulary with professional meaning will lead to the deviation of understanding of law. In Legal English, there are more simple words with professional meaning, such as ‘avoid’ in everyday English meaning is ‘to let not happen’, and in the law it refers specifically to ‘cancellation’ ; ‘party’ in everyday English refers to the group and social gatherings, but in law it refers to ‘people involved’; ‘condemn’ with ordinary meaning ‘to show disagreement’, refers specifically to ‘sentencing, conviction’ in law; ‘hear’ with ordinary meaning ‘to sense the sound through ears’, refers to ‘state one’s case’. Common words are common in legal English. Having knowledge of their specific meaning in law contributes to a better understanding of law in English.   1.3 Old English
  The general definition of modern English and Old English is that: Old English is the language used in Britain before the Norman Conquest around 1100 AD; Middle English refers to English used from the year 1100 AD to 1500 AD; modern English refers English used from 1500 to date. Compared to Modern English, Old English has authority and sanctity that Modern English doesn’t have. Legal English differs from general English in that it inherits a lot of Old English in order to maintain its authority, preciseness and sanctity. In Legal English there are aforesaid, hereinafter, hereby, hereinafter, hereunder, herein , thereof and other Old English vocabulary.
  1.4 Borrowed words
  There are many English language vocabulary borrowed from other countries. These words are called borrowed words. English language has a universal characteristic. In the formation of English language, a large number of foreign languages are taken in, among which Latin and French take the majority. Legal English is a class of English so it is also characterized by borrowed words. For example, in legal English there is a lot of Latin vocabulary, such as alias, alibi, bona fide, et al, etc. There are a lot of French words, such as bill, fine, plea, suit, decree, advocate, appeal, verdict, complaint, jury, petition, proces-verbal, punishment and other words.
  1.5 Existing legal terms for ambiguity
  Some expressions in law are ambiguous in attitude. When coming across legal provisions or expressions that are not specific enough, the use of ambiguous term will be required. Ambiguous term are used to increase the rigor and clarity of the law in situations where the nature, scope, extent, or quantity cannot be clearly determined. The law must be clear, but the application of ambiguous terms is not in contrast with the clarity of it, on the contrary, it increases the flexibility as well as the implicity of the language, which enables the administration to be more accurate in legislation. Ambiguity in legal English is a supplement to the accuracy of the language expression. Thus, accuracy and ambiguity have equally important roles in legal English.
  1.6 Adjectives, pronouns and adverbs use
  In general English adjectives, pronouns and adverbs are used widely for the literal beauty of the language, but in legal English these are seldom used. Legal English needs precise simplified and rigor expression. Adjectives, pronouns and adverbs are not consistent with its characteristics of preciseness and simplicity. There is no need for extra modification techniques.   2. Legal English translation
  Ordinary English translation follows the standards of “faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance”. These standards have been discussed for a long time in the industry of translation. However, the legal English translation distinguishes itself in a higher peruse of preciseness. Legal English translation needs knowledge of law and knowledge English. So Legal English translation is difficult, several points need to be followed:
  2.1 Translation Standard
  Ordinary English translation follows the standards of “faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance”. But For legal English translation, accuracy, formality, professionality, objectiveness are also standards. Law has characteristics of seriousness, preciseness, formality and objectiveness. Professionals are always required for legal English translation. In the translation, characteristics of law need attention and standards need to be followed. Sometimes the translation is not easy to understand, but from the aspect of law, it follows the standards.
  2.2 Being familiar with and understand the relevant professional legal vocabulary
  In the course of legal English translation, the first requirement is to understand the subject of the law. Legal English cannot be comprehended as general English, otherwise, mistakes will be made in the process of translation.
  2.3 Practical application
  Under some circumstances, the understanding of legal English will be more accurate in a practical setting, which will be helpful to the translation of legal English.
  2.4 Cultural background
  The development of language is also closely associated with the cultural background of each country. Different backgrounds of cultural development created different languages. Laws of different countries are also deeply associated with each country’s own cultural backgrounds. Thus, it will be helpful to gain insights into the cultural background of the country where the laws are enacted in the process of legal English translation. As we all know, the cultural differences between the East and the West have always been a major challenge in the translation between Chinese and English. These differences cover aspects such as history, environment, customs, social systems, ideologies, values, etc., which makes it more difficult to translate. Therefore, the understanding of the differences in cultural backgrounds will be needed to better perform the duty of legal English translation.
  3. Conclusion
  In summary, legal English is different from general English. To understand this, Knowledge of legal English vocabulary as well as knowledge of law and language of English is required for law translators. In legal English translation the most important point is to understand the characteristics of legal English. Meanwhile it’s important to follow the standards of legal English translation and be aware of the difference between legal and general English translation. In this paper, legal English vocabulary is discussed based on its characteristics, and translation methods are briefly discussed in this paper, hoping to legal English translation of research to do some contribution.
【摘要】新课改要求学生成为学习的主体,老师要在课堂上调动学生学习的兴趣和积极性,语境理论对于初中英语词汇教学的应用正好将生活中的英语运用到课堂之中,提高了学生对词汇记忆的准确性和全面性,同时情景化的教学更是加深了学生对英语单词的记忆,也是语境理论中所体现出来的语言和生活的密切关系。  【关键词】语境词汇 教学生活化  在语境理论的发展过程中,不同的理论派别对于语境的定义、解释都不相同,总的来说,根
【摘要】在教学改革不断推进的今天,学生学习主动意识的培养成为社会各界广泛关注的话题,在此时代背景下,高中英语教学也应该做出适当的调整,运用更迎合学生心理特征的方式,开展多样化教学,才能改变传统英语教学中的弊端,进而让学生在主观意识的带动下,优化课堂教学,实现学生素质能力的全面提升。  【关键词】高中英语教学 学生主动意识 培养策略  英语学习对于学生未来的工作发展具有重要意义,然而由于传统教学中教
【摘要】在新高考方案下,高中英语选修课程的设计与开发,直接关系到选修课的有效教学与评价,是一个值得探索的课题。教学理念的更新、教学目标的理解、教学资源的配置、教学手段的拓展及学生成长的需要都成为了高中英语选修课有效教学的重要因素。而要体现其教学效果,则要建立多元化、多层次、多样化的评价体系中体现形成性评价和终结性评价相结合,从而推动高中英语选修课改革的发展。  【关键词】高中英语选修课 有效性 设
【摘要】当代信息技术的高速发展带动了诸多领域的变革,以多媒体信息技术为代表的新型科技开始广泛应用在日常教学领域,它们的出现为小学英语课程改革的进行与教学方式的转变提供了信息和技术上的支持。  【关键词】多媒体 小学英语 教学 运用  一、多媒体教学在小学英语教学中发挥的作用  1.迎合了学生的好奇心。考虑到教学对象的年龄特点,小学英语教师在课程开展的过程中必须时刻关注学生的状态,以他们的兴趣爱好为
【摘要】“过程写作”在高中英语写作教学中的应用使学生回归教学主体,更加注重的学生写作过程,在英语写作教学过程中便于教师了解学生基础知识掌握程度以及学生的思维方式,并有针对性的指导学生,使学生真正学会了“英语写作”,对学生今后养成良好的学习习惯以及提高学生英语写作能力等都具有重要意义。  【关键词】过程写作 高中英语 写作教学 应用  高中英语写作教学是高中英语教学的重要组成部分,同时也是高中英语教
【摘要】在新课标已不再新,时代却仍不停发展的当下,因地制宜地进行新常态下的初中英语的教与学已迫在眉睫。初中英语教师采用“启发式”、“学导式”等教学方法,充分发挥学生主体性,从课前、课中、课后结合全盘考虑完成教学设计与实施,才能增强教学的有效性,进而帮助学生逐步形成可持续发展的学习力。  【关键词】因地制宜 行之有效 新常态 有效性  我国新课改从2000年开始,至今已经走过16个年头,已经到了急需
【摘要】在小学英语教学活动中,为了激发学生学习兴趣,英语教师可以将英语教学与现实生活紧密结合,创设丰富的课堂教学情境,营造生活化的英语课堂,改变英语课堂枯燥乏味的局面,使英语课堂变得生动有趣,从而全面提升小学英语的教学质量。  【关键词】小学英语教学 生活化 教学模式  在小学英语教学中,怎样才能够改变传统的英语课堂枯燥乏味的局面,全面提升小学生学习英语的兴趣,是每一位小学英语教师必须思考的问题。
【摘要】新课标提出在英语课程实施中,帮助学生有效地使用学习策略,培养学生成为自主的学习者。如何培养学生自主学习能力呢?笔者从学习兴趣,拼读单词,学习方法及课外阅读方面进行尝试。  【关键词】自主学习 指导  教,是为了不教。这是大家都明白的一个道理。所谓“不教”,就是学生自己有目的、有计划、主动地学习英语知识,锻炼英语技能,提高运用英语的能力,它是一项综合性的认识能力,是一种很重要的智力活动,换句