山核桃蚜 Glyphna sp.土名“油虫”、“麦虱”,是浙江省临安、淳安、昌化、孝丰及安徽省的歙县、绩溪、宁国等地山核桃产区的威胁性大害虫。严重为害时雄花枯死,雌花开不出,树势衰弱,影响山核桃产量。以往没有进行过调查研究,也无资料可查。我们遵照伟大领袖和导师毛主席关于“教育必须为无产阶级政治服务,必须同生产劳动相结合”的教导,从1973年3月起,
Pelargonium aphid Glyphna sp. Soil names “oil pests”, “wheat lice” is a threat to the pecan-producing areas in Lin’an, Chun’an, Changhua, Xiaofeng, Anhui Province and Juxian, Jixi and Ningguo in Zhejiang Province Pests. Serious damage when the male flowers dead, the female flowers can not be out of trees weak, affecting the production of hickory. In the past, there was no investigation and research and no information was available. In accordance with the teachings of the great leader and teacher Chairman Mao on the premise that education must serve proletarian politics and must be integrated with productive labor, since March 1973,