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拐12井是西北缘钻探公司在小拐油田布的一口预探井,该井设计垂深4300m,钻井至3794.48m时,发生事故,落鱼940.12m。为节省时间,减少经济损失,在电测资料取全、无油气显示的情况下,西北缘项目经理部决定改打侧钻定向井。拐12侧钻定向井完钻井深3950m,井斜角31.5°,方位85°,水平位移358.63m,各项技术指标达到甲方要求。拐12井是目前我局较深,侧钻深度最大(鱼顶位置距套管鞋实际只有3.15m)的定向井之一。该井的顺利完钻,标志着我局在中深井侧钻定向井技术以及应用定向井改造直井技术有了新的认识,为今后小拐油田定向井、大斜度井以及水平井的开展提供了一定的经验。 Turn 12 is the Northwest drilling company in Xiaowu Oilfield cloth a pre-exploration well, the well design depth of 4300m, drilling to 3794.48m, the accident occurred, falling fish 940.12m. In order to save time and reduce economic losses, the project manager department of the northwestern margin decided to change the sidetrack directional well in the case of complete electrical survey data and no oil and gas display. Turn 12 drilling side of the directional well drilling depth of 3950m, well angle 31.5 °, azimuth 85 °, horizontal displacement of 358.63m, the technical indicators meet the requirements of Party A. Shui 12 well is currently one of the directional wells that has a deeper depth and a maximum depth of sidetrack (the top of the fish is only 3.15m away from the casing shoes). The smooth completion of the well marks that our bureau has gained a new understanding of the technology of side-drilled directional well in the CSSC and the application of the directional well in the reconstruction of the vertical well and will provide the future development of directional wells, high-deviated wells and horizontal wells in Xiaowu Oilfield A certain experience.
支原体肺炎是儿科较常见的一种感染性疾病,可在呼吸道感染基础上伴发肺外多器官的病变。现将我院1996年1月~1998年6月儿童肺炎支原体感染并肺外表现32例报告如下。 Mycoplas
全民教育应该包括对少数族裔和边缘儿童的教育。  基于母语的多语教育(mother-tongue- based multilingual education)是主要依靠第一语言的一种教育实践,这种第一语言是学习者在家中获得并且作为学习基础的语言,而第二语言作为课程的一部分,通常是一门正式的学科。在一些国家,有些人认为主导语言是规范的、必需的、地位更高的,而非主导语言(少数人的母语)就可能会被忽视甚至
本文介绍了固井水泥浆隔离液在固井生产中的作用,并介绍了室内及现场试验情况。 This paper introduces the role of cementing slurry in well cementing and introduces t
应用乳晕下注射的乳腺癌淋巴定位图能提供检测前哨淋巴结的有效和准确方法 ,不论注射蓝色染料和(或 )放射性胶体均能自乳晕皮肤淋巴管迅速吸收而显示前哨淋巴结 (SLN)。作者
1984年1月至1998年12月,我院收治血尿待查患儿39例,分析报告如下。1 临床贫料1.1 一般资料 39例均以肉眼血尿或镜下血尿为主要表现,不伴泌尿道刺激症状及肾功能损害,并排除