袁世凯的功过是非,历史早已做出了公正、客观的评价。祝曙光教授的文章《袁世凯功过辨》 (刊于《探索与争鸣》2004年第1期,以下简称“祝文”)却从一个全新的角度,得出了不同的结论。祝教授是在独辟蹊径,还袁氏历史的真面目吗?袁氏是与曹操“相似乃尔”的“治世之能臣,乱世之奸雄”吗? 如何评价袁世凯执政期间国家在经济、社会、政治、文化等方面的进展 辛亥革命之后,民族资本主义经济在中国有了一定程度的发展。“祝文”指
Yuan Shikai’s merits and demerits, history has made a fair and objective evaluation. I wish Professor Shuguang’s article “Yuan Shikai” (published in “Exploration and Contention” No. 1, 2004, hereinafter referred to as “wish”) from a completely new perspective, reached a different conclusion. Is Professor Yuan’s unique style and the true history of Yuan’s history? Yuan’s “the same Ner” as Cao Cao, “the hero of the world, the chaos of the chaos”? How to evaluate the state’s economic, social, political and cultural achievements during Yuan Shikai’s administration After the Revolution of 1911, the national capitalist economy in China had a certain degree of development. “Wish” refers to