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针对实际工程加固改造中增设梁的情况,采用增设钢牛腿来加强节点,使节点满足结构受力性能要求。对钢牛腿的连接节点作法进行力学分析,并结合工程事例加以验算,结果表明:该作法的力学分析方法是安全可靠的,这将为从事建筑结构加固改造的相关设计人员提供了参考。 In order to reinforce the actual project in the case of additional beams, the use of additional steel legs to strengthen the node, the node to meet the requirements of the performance of the structure. The mechanical analysis of steel nodal connections and the calculation of engineering cases are carried out. The results show that the method of mechanical analysis is safe and reliable, which will provide reference for relevant designers engaged in strengthening and rebuilding of building structures.
黎明时分,禾场上,一个个滚动着细细圆圆黑黢黢身子的铁环,一会儿自自在在地绕着倒“8”字,一会儿熟门熟路地“越沟”“过坎” ……一帮孩子满脸满额书写着自在与神气的表情,流露着愉悦与舒畅,更显现着心中的自豪和骄傲。一声声“咣哐,咣哐,咣哐……”金属与金属摩挲交融的清亮亮、沉实实的交响乐悦耳动听,让早起身披七彩霓裳的霞光听着听着,不禁兴高采烈地舞蹈开了;紧接着,又让刚刚睁开惺忪眼睛满脸红彤彤的太阳,不禁