真正的学校应当是一个积极思考的王国。——苏霍姆林斯基 1 一个班级几十个学生,思维能力參差,个性特点不同,心理状态不一。然而,他们的内心深处都蕴藏着充足的思维能。教师是学生心理奥秘的探索者和发现者,又是学生思维能的辛勤开发者。在语文教学中调动学生思维的积极性,是深层次的智力开发。它的价值不亚于开发一座座金矿。每位成熟的语文教师,都会考虑,如何运用自己的教学艺术,在读写听说训练中,最大限度地调动学生思维的积极性,把学生引进“积极思考的王国”。在课堂上,只有不善引导的教师,没有不愿思考和不能思考的学生。
The real school should be a kingdom of positive thinking. - Sukhomlinski 1 Dozens of students in one class, with different thinking skills, different personality characteristics, and different psychological states. However, there is plenty of energy in their hearts. Teachers are explorers and discoverers of students’ psychological mysteries, and they are hard-working developers of students’ thinking ability. The mobilization of students’ enthusiasm in language teaching is a deep level of intellectual development. Its value is no less than the development of a gold mine. Every mature Chinese language teacher will consider how to use his teaching art to mobilize the enthusiasm of students’ thinking to the maximum extent and introduce students into the “kingdom of positive thinking” in reading, writing, listening and speaking training. In the classroom, only poorly-directed teachers do not have students who do not want to think or think.