新日铁每年消费的能量约占日本能量消费总量的3%,是一个对产业环境有很大影响的企业。因此,新日铁将全集团公司的综合“环境经营”作为企业的使命,从原料和物资购人、产品制造、技术开发、产品运输和使用以及再循环直到废弃的所有阶段都实行减轻环境负荷的生产经营作业。 1 环境经营计划新日铁自创立以来就将环境对策作为生产经营的根本问题进行综合研究解决。1970年新日铁成
Nippon Steel annual energy consumption accounts for about 3% of Japan’s total energy consumption, is a great impact on the industrial environment of the enterprise. As a result, Nippon Steel integrated the corporate “environmental management” of the entire group with the corporate mission of reducing the burden on all employees from the purchase of raw materials and materials, product manufacturing, technology development, product transportation and use, and recycling to waste disposal Environmental load of production and operation. 1 Environmental Management Plan Nippon Steel since its inception on the environmental measures as a fundamental issue of production and management to conduct a comprehensive study and solve. 1970 Nippon Steel Corporation