贼偷去的这个钱包里,没准装的是一个下岗工人一家子的救命钱。老百姓手里那点儿钱容易吗!我一个当警察的,工作就是抓贼。哪怕是大海捞针,我也得想法子给老百姓挽回点儿损失!“ 京城反扒战线上惟一的女探长,实际上也是一个神秘莫测的人。有关这位女探长的个人资料,一向在职业扒手和媒体记者中间语焉不详地流传,事实上,除了熟人以外,很少有人知道她长得什么模样。那些见过于晓明的家伙——譬如她的死对头们,无一例外都栽在了她手里;而记者想要当面采访这位”北京十大杰出警察“
Thieves stole this wallet, may not be installed is a laid-off workers a son’s life-saving money. The money in the hands of ordinary people it easy! I am a police officer, the job is to catch the thief. Even if it is a needle in a haystack, I also have to think of ways to save some people to lose! ”The only woman detective on the anti-scuffle front of the capital is in fact a mysterious person. In the middle of professional pickpockets and journalists, it’s not widely known, and in fact, very few people know what she looks like except acquaintances, and those guys who have seen too much, such as her rivals, are planted Her hands; and reporters want to interview this “Beijing top ten outstanding police ”