这世上没有一无是处的人,也没有尽善尽美的人。人的体能、技能、智能的发展是不均衡的,都有其强项和弱项,优势和劣势,长处和短处。在生命进程中,人一旦找准了自己的强项、优势和长处,并千方百计使之得到充分发挥,便可望获得惊人的成就。这个道理如果借用一句格言来表述,那就是:给猴子一棵树,给老虎一座山。 据传在一次商界聚会中,有位老板扬言要将自己手下三名不成才的员工炒掉。他们是:整天吹毛求疵的王五;老是杞人忧天,害怕工厂出事的赵六;喜欢神侃海聊的李七。另一位老板听后莞尔一
There is no useless person in this world, there is no perfect person. Human physical, technical, and intellectual development is uneven, with strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses. In the course of life, once the man has identified his strengths, strengths and strengths, and tried his best to bring it into full play, he can expect amazing achievements. If this maxim is borrowed from an aphorism, it is: give the monkey a tree and give the tiger a mountain. It is rumored that at a business gathering, a boss threatened to fire three unprofessional employees of his own. They are: all-time picky Wang 5; always worry-ridden, fear of factory accidents Zhao 6; Another boss after listening to smile one